shower head
Showers use the most hot water in a typical Victorian home. By changing your conventional shower head for a water-saving one, you can make a real difference to your water use and reduce your energy costs.
All Victorian households and businesses that have an inefficient showerhead (flow rate above 9 liters per minute or below 3 stars) are eligible to participate. Up to two shower heads can be installed on residential premises.
Contact us for more info on how we can help you to SAVE ENERGY and MONEY.

Take Advantage of Government Energy Upgrades
Save Money on Your Energy Bills
The Australian government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and are providing access to discounted energy-efficient products and services to business and residents across Australia. One of the easiest ways you can make a difference to Australia’s carbon footprint is by looking at how you use energy in your home or business. Upgrading your inefficient appliances to more sustainable options can collectively impact the reduction of greenhouse gas, and that’s good news for us all.
For more information on the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program please see the video below